創始人Michael Xiao先生,在2016年和Shiny Chang女士正式創辦自己的音響品牌。
Michael Xiao用自己的姓氏XIAO和單詞AUDIO組合在一起,就出現了XIAUDIO這個品牌。
更巧的是,Michael一向認為,11是一個最優美的數字。Michael把XI理解為上天饋贈的羅馬數字11,所以XIAUDIO這個品牌就是Eleven Audio.
2013年,Michael Xiao開始做為Nagra專業錄音機的中國大陸業務的首席代表。
2014年,Michael Xiao領導Lotoo品牌進入發燒音頻市場,將第一款產品Paw Gold推向全球市場。Paw Gold被發燒友稱為金菊花,今天仍然是盡人皆知的便攜HIFI播放器。
同年, Shiny Chang 在美國音響品牌ENIGMAcoustics負責全球行銷。
2016年,正式創辦自己的XI AUDIO品牌,推出耳放Formula S,並且正式成為美國耳機品牌ABYSS和波蘭解碼器品牌Lampizator的大中國區總代理。
2017年,推出耳擴Broadway, 前級P1000, 解碼器SagraDAC。XI AUDIO品牌開始出現在TAS媒體。正式成為丹麥Soekris與義大利Amanero大中國區總代理
2018年,Michael Xiao與Shiny Chang定居於台灣, 產品研發和製造全面在臺灣完成。
2021年,推出解碼器K DAC。
2023年,推出耳放原型機3952, 解碼器SagraDAC 2。
Michael Xiao精通模擬放大器電路的設計,熱愛古典吉他和小提琴,熱愛幾乎所有類型的音樂。對HIFI設備的音質表現有自己獨到的見解,其作品至今已經獲得超過20個國際獎項。
現在,基於品牌內核的蛻變,我們決定將品牌正式更名為Eleven Audio。也將Logo更換為 ,從此進入一個新的階段,說人話就是要出大招了。
Founder Mr. Michael Xiao and Ms. Shiny Chang officially launched their own audio brand in 2016.
Michael Xiao combined his surname XIAO with the word AUDIO, giving birth to the brand XIAUDIO.
Interestingly, Michael has always regarded 11 as the most elegant number. He interprets XI as the Roman numeral 11,
a divine gift. Hence, the brand XIAUDIO becomes Eleven Audio.
In 2013, Michael Xiao began as the Chief Representative for Nagra's mainland China business.
In 2014, Michael Xiao led the Lotoo brand into the high-end audio market, introducing their first product, Paw Gold, to the global market.
Paw Gold remains a well-recognized portable HIFI player today.
That same year, Shiny Chang was responsible for global marketing at the American audio brand ENIGMAcoustics.
In 2016, they formally established their XI AUDIO brand, releasing the Formula S headphone amplifier
and becoming the official distributor for the U.S. headphone brand ABYSS and the Polish DAC brand Lampizator in China.
In 2017, they launched the Broadway headphone amplifier, the P1000 preamp, and the SagraDAC DAC.
The XI AUDIO brand began to gain recognition in TAS media and became the official distributor for Denmark's Soekris and Italy's Amanero in China.
In 2018, Michael Xiao and Shiny Chang settled in Taiwan, where they fully developed and manufactured their products.
In 2021, they introduced the K DAC.
In 2023, they unveiled the prototype of the 3952 headphone amplifier and the SagraDAC 2 DAC.
Michael Xiao excels in the design of analog amplifier circuits, with a deep love for classical guitar and violin,
as well as a passion for nearly all genres of music. His unique insights into the audio quality of HIFI equipment have earned him over 20 international awards to date.
Now, as part of a brand transformation at its core, we have decided to officially rename the brand to Eleven Audio.
We are also changing the logo to , ushering in a new era. In plain terms, we're ready to make some big moves.
Stay turned.